
AP-1 HEI to provide Policy document on energy usage and conservation.

AP-2 Please provide Geo-tagged photographs of the facilities

AP-3 Provide the Bills for the purchase of equipment for the facilities created under this metric.

AP-4 HEI has not provided relevant evidences for Permission document for connecting to the grid issued by the Government/ Electricity authority.


Please provide the following

AP-1 Geo-tagged photographs of the Bunds and water tanks (for collection of rain water) facilities.

AP-2 Bills for setting up rainwater harvesting system.

AP-3 Bill of STP procurement/ AMC/ purchase of equipment for the facilities created under this metric.

AP-4 provide Any other relevant evidences for the selected options.

AP-5 Green audit reports and water conservation by certified recognized bodies


AP-1 The HEI to provide attested copy of the HEI green campus policy (original signed by the head of the institution, with unique reference No and date), on water conservation and details of the measures adopted under the policy.

AP-2 HEI to provide Geo tagged photographs/videos of the facilities such as Battery-powered vehicles, use of bicycles etc, captioned and signed by the Registrar.

AP-3 HEI to attach circulars, with ref and date for the Pedestrian-friendly pathways, Ban on the use of Plastics, vehicular traffic and Restricted entry of automobiles. HEI may provide any other supporting document.


AP-1 The HEI must provide its environmental promotional policy document (including energy usage), numbered, dated and signed by the head of the institute.

AP-2 Reports on environmental promotional activities conducted beyond the campus with geo tagged photographs duly captioned and dated to be attached.

AP-3 HEI may attach certificates of the awards received from the recognized agency/ any other supporting document for the claims made.

AP-4 The HEI to provide attested copies of the Green audit, Energy audit, Environment audit and Clean and green campus recognitions/ awards.

AP-5 The HEI to attach copy of the Certificate from certified and authorized auditing agency duly attested by the Registrar.


As per the HEI documents attached with the Metric, provide the following

AP-1 Policy document and information brochure.

AP-2 Link to Geo-tagged photos and videos with date and caption.

AP-3 Bills and invoice/purchase order/AMC of software/Lifts and e-vehicles.

AP-4 Brief report on facilities provided for enquiry and information.

AP-5 Bills for the software procured for providing the assistance.


HEI to provide the following

AP-1 provide the Policy document on code of ethics.

AP-2 Constitution and MoM of the adherence to the code of conduct monitoring committee.

AP-3 provide Circulars and geo-tagged photographs with date and caption of the activities organized under this metric for teachers, students, administrators and other staff.

AP-4 The Code of Conduct for students, teachers and administration as approved by the competent authority

AP-5 Handbooks, manuals and brochures on professional ethics

AP-6 Report on the student attributes facilitated by the Institution

AP-7 Web-Link to the relevant documents on the HEI website.

AP-8 The HEI must attach year wise details with photographs and news paper clippings of the professional ethics programmes organized by the Institution for students, teachers, administrators and other staff.