AP-2 Data / Document support of the claim for implementation of E-governance.
AP-3 Institutional budget statement
AP-5 Screen shots of the user interfaces of each module claimed
AP-6 ERP Document.
AP-1 The HEI to attach a copy of the policy on the issue
AP-1 HEI to provide copies of the certificates if the faculty attending the following
AP-2 Academic Research Proposal Writing and Review 04-Jul-17
Tools and Methodologies to implement Research Ethics 18-Dec-17
Handon Workshop for Data Analysis in Research (SPSS) 25-Dec-18
Intellectual Property Protection Laws and Processes 11-Jun-18
Workshop on Research Publication – Importance of Ethics & Quality 9th March 2019
Advanced Statistical Analysis and Tools 18-Jun-19
Best Practices in Scientic Writing and Publication 22nd August 2019
Research Writing Skills in Academic Research 16-Dec-19
Animations and Video Editing for Academic Support 13-Jul-20
Data Analysis and Decision Interpretation 22-Dec-20
Academic, Administrative and Research Processes in Higher Education 04-Oct-21
ICT Aids in Higher Education 21-Dec-21
World No Tobacco day Enviornment day 2022 03-Jun-22
World Oral Health Day 30-Mar-22