
AP-1 The HEI to provide attested copy of the university Policy on e-governance, original signed by the VC, bearing date and reference. The HEI has not provided any data in support of the claim. The HEI website does not support the HEI claim.

AP-2 Data / Document support of the claim for implementation of E-governance.

AP-3 Institutional budget statement 

AP-4 E-copies of the invoices

AP-5 Screen shots of the user interfaces of each module claimed 

AP-6 ERP Document. 

AP-7 The HEI must provide copy of the invoice or copy of the installation report of the ERP and also invoice for Tally. The copies as above are to be attested by the Registrar.


AP-1 The HEI to attach a copy of the policy on the issue

AP-2 The details of the professional bodies and conferences/ workshops, including venue and dates, for which the financial support is provided.

AP-3 Attested copy of the Receipts from faculty for the amount of support for the AY 2020-21 and 2021-22, or copies of the payment vouchers, attested by the Registrar, to be attached.


AP-1 The HEI to attach a copy of the policy on the issue and the details of the professional bodies and conferences/ workshops, including venue and dates.

AP-2 (a) The HEI must provide List of professional development / administrative training programs organized by the institution.

 (b) The HEI must provide List of professional development / administrative training programs organized by the institution

AP-3 HEI to provide details of the resource person or the trainer, the dates of conduct, attendance of faculty/staff and photo-graphs all signed by the Registrar.


AP-1 HEI to provide copies of the certificates if the faculty attending the following

AP-2 Academic Research Proposal Writing and Review 04-Jul-17
Tools and Methodologies to implement Research Ethics 18-Dec-17
Handon Workshop for Data Analysis in Research (SPSS) 25-Dec-18
Intellectual Property Protection Laws and Processes 11-Jun-18
Workshop on Research Publication – Importance of Ethics & Quality 9th March 2019
Advanced Statistical Analysis and Tools 18-Jun-19
Best Practices in Scientic Writing and Publication 22nd August 2019
Research Writing Skills in Academic Research 16-Dec-19
Animations and Video Editing for Academic Support 13-Jul-20
Data Analysis and Decision Interpretation 22-Dec-20
Academic, Administrative and Research Processes in Higher Education 04-Oct-21
ICT Aids in Higher Education 21-Dec-21
World No Tobacco day Enviornment day 2022 03-Jun-22
World Oral Health Day 30-Mar-22

AP-3 The certificates attested by the registrar must be in the same order as claimed in the Excel file. The HEI to provide details of the PAN card of the faculty as claimed in the Metric.


AP-1 The HEI has provided some numbers without supporting documents. To attach attested Copy of the letter of the sanction of grants/funds and also copy of the HEI receipt issued (received by respective agency) as stated in the Metric.

AP-2 HEI to Provide the annual audited income/expenditure statement showing clearly (underlined) the Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropes, duly certified and highlighted by Chartered Accountant and/or Finance Officer and counter signed by the Registrar. The audit sheet is not readable.

AP-3 The HEI must attach audited Annual statements of accounts certified by the CA and countersigned by the Registrar.

        6.4.2 Data Template