Response Documents
AP-1 The HEI to provide the Institute Policy Letter, signed by the Registrar, for scholarship and free ships.
AP-2 The institute is also to provide the process of award of such freeship. The final selection for the year 2021-22 to be attached.
AP-3 The HEI to attach a consolidated, TABULATED, year wise summary for each type of scholarship and free ships provided by the institution.
AP-4 The HEI to also attach list of the students benefited year wise for each scheme along with sanction letters from the institution. The list must provide details of the students benefited through scholarships and free ships and the amount provided by the HEI. The lists must make a clear mention of the amount of scholarship and not in kind.
AP-5 The HEI must attach data only in NAAC prescribed format for the Metric as an Excel file. All documents to be signed by the Registrar.
AP-1 The HEI to provide copy of the circular/ /brochure /reports of the event date wise signed by the coordinator and countersigned by the Registrar.
AP-2 Geo tagged Photographs with date and caption for each scheme or event. List of programs conducted and the number of students enrolled for each of the events.
AP-3 The HEI to provide these on the Institutional website and provide specific link to each program/scheme mentioned in the Metric.Self attested copies of circular/ brochure or report of the event/ activity report to be included.
AP-1 The HEI to provide self attested, year wise list of the faculty/counsellor/agency providing the service.The HEI to attach Year-wise attendance of the students attending the guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling, signed by the competent Authority as per the SOP. This data must be accompanied by a year wise table format signed by the competent Authority as per the SOP. Reports of the other events also to be attached.
AP-2 Copies of any circular/notice or website link may be provided. Photographs of the set up to be provided. A student attending more than one activity in a to be counted as ONE.
AP-3 The HEI must attach data only in NAAC prescribed format for the Metric as an Excel file. All documents were to be signed by the competent Authority as per the SOP.
AP-4 HEI to provide enrolment details and minutes/report of each of the guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling etc offered.
AP-1 The HEI to attached a copy of its processes for timely redressal of student grievances / prevention of sexual harassment and prevention of ragging duly signed by the Registrar.
AP-2 The HEI has not provided appointment of the claimed committees. There is no confirmation of further action taken and the grievance being resolved.
AP-3 The HEI must provide Minutes of the Meetings of the student grievance redressal committee, prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee and the Anti Ragging Committee.
AP-4 The HEI website does not support the claim of the HEI. The HEI has merely provided repeated events that have no supporting proof.
AP-5 The HEI to also include copy of Circulars/web-link/ committee reports in the support of its claim.
AP-6 HEI should preferably provide a separate web-link for circulars/ report. There are no contact details of the committee members on the website. The procedure of lodging a complaint is not existing on the website.
AP-1 The HEI must provide List of students placed along with placement drive details such as the name of the company, offer, emoluments etc year wise.
Institutional data in Prescribed format (Data Template)
AP-2 The HEI to include posters/ notices/circular copies of the drives and photographs of the drives with report of the TPO.
AP-3 The HEI to provide a certificate, signed by the competent Authority as per the SOP, that all the students listed have been through campus placement
AP-4 HEI to provide the appointment orders of the following selected students. If same student has multiple offers it has to be counted only once. The HEI has some students who have multiple placements and are counted multiple number of times.
AP-5 The HEI must provide a certificate of the placement officer countersigned by the Registrar, that none of the students in the lists have been counted more than once.
AP-1 HEI to provide supporting data for students who have joined for higher education in prescribed format for the latest graduating batch. Proof like admission letters or identity cards for selected students progressing to higher education will be asked by DVV partner. appearing / passing of competitive examination for higher education cannot be considered as progression to higher education unless students get admitted.
AP-2 The HEI to provide student list (name and roll number in the HEI (HEI) and year of graduating) along with the institute and the program to which admitted for Higher Education.
AP-3 The HEI must provide the list of the students of face to face programs only for each program and (if possible) Roll No of the Inst where now admitted for Higher Education for each program, for all the 05 year of assessment.
AP-4 The HEI must attach data only in NAAC prescribed format for the Metric as an Excel file.
AP-5 Newly added Students.
AP-1 The HEI is to audit the activities and only if there is deserving case, the HEI may attach a clear scan copy (no mobile pics) signed by the competent Authority as per the SOP in support of its claim.
AP-2 The HEI to provide audited claim with a certificate of the Registrar that the claim has been verified to be as per the SoP.
5.3.1 Data Template
AP-1 HEI to provide report of the events/along with photographs appropriately dated and All activities conducted under an event will be counted as one event. Events cannot be split into activities. Only the events organised by the university are eligible to be considered
AP-2 The HEI to provide reports of the events along with captioned photographs of the activities year-wise.
AP-3 HEI to provide Copy of circulars/brochures indicating such kind of activities.
AP-4 HEI may include the result with List of students participated in different events year wise.
AP-1 The HEI has not attached any data, neither of the donations/contributions nor audited budget /balance sheets. There are no details or proof of existence of the HEI Alumni Association. Bye laws for the same may be attached. Account statement signed by the Presidents of the Association and the Registrar may be attached.
AP-2 The HEI has provided summary of the claimed areas of contribution by the Alumni Association / chapters during the last five years. No details have been provided. The audited balance sheets are not for the alumni association of the university.
AP-3 The HEI to provide details of registration of the Alumni Association of the University. Bye laws of the HEI Alumni Association may also be attached.
AP-4 The HEI must provide details of the donation by the Association to the HEI by showing it on the audited balance sheet of income/ expenditure of the HEI.
AP-5 The HEI to provide copy of the library accession register containing the books/ journals donated by the HEI as claimed.
AP-6 The HEI to provide a list, signed by the TPO and counter signed by the Registrar, of the students that have been placed/ helped to be placed/ provided student exchange by the Alumni of the University.