Response Documents


AP-1 The HEI to provide copy of the university Policy on grant of seed money and the procedure, signed by the VC bearing date and reference. HEI to provide attested copy of the policy of admissions from the reserved categories.The HEI to provide a List, attested by the Registrar, of the programs where syllabus revision had been carried out during the last five years.

AP-2 The HEI to provide the List of the faculty who have been awarded seed money for research along with the title of the project, duration and amount year-wise. Attested copy of the entries in SEED Register may be provided. Documented Sanction letters of award of seed money to the teachers is mandatory. 

AP-3 Documented Sanction letters of award of seed money to the teachers is mandatory. 

AP-4 The HEI is to provide a certificate of the Dean R&D that the grant is for Research project. Seed money is not sponsorship of research work or clinical trials. It is token money paid for the faculty to commence research work. For the token money (seed money) the individual requesting must have DPR and application which is processed and paid to the individual for research work.

AP-5 HEI to provide copies of such proposals for the AY 2019-20 and 2021-22.

3.1.2 Data Template


AP-1 The HEI must provide e copy of the letter of award of fellowship together with certificate of having undergone the fellowship or attended the conference. In case of the awards by the HEI e-copies of the receipts also to be provided.

AP-2 HEI to provide letters of awarded national/ international fellowship / Financial support for advanced studies/collaborative research and conference of Dr. Himani Gupta Dr. Nikita Jaiswal Dr. Arvind kumar Dr. Deepika Yadav Dr. Shweta Mumbaraddi Dr. Jyoti Kumbhar Dr. Shweta Mumbaraddi Dr. Himadri Mudgal Dr. Rajni sharma Dr. Milind Deshmukh Dr. Nitin Krishnan R Dr. Neeraj Gupta Dr. Nitin Krishnan R Dr. Milind Deshmukh Dr. Anupam Sharma Dr. Swapnil Auti Dr. Neeraj Gupta Dr. Yagik Mishra Dr. Maninder Singh Sidhu Dr. Anant Krishna Dr Danish Idrees Dr. Neeraj Sharma Dr. Atul Sharma Dr. J. K. Dayashankara Rao highlighting financial support.

          AP-3 Data Template


AP-1 The HEI to provide a list of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and other research fellows along with the details of the funding agency in the NAAC specified Excel Format.

AP-2 The HEI to also provide a list of the names and the agencies granting Fellowship along with reference of the sponsoring agency letter under attestation by the Registrar.

AP-3 The HEI is to provide e-copies of the fellowship award letters. As per the SOP, Research fellowships to the Teachers/ Students/ Research Assistants etc. The HEI must provide e copy of the letter of award of fellowship together with certificate of having undergone the fellowship or attended the conference. In case of the awards by the HEI e-copies of the receipts also to be provided.

AP-4 The HEI to provide a year wise certificate signed by the Registrar listing (year wise) the individuals who had subsequently accepted Fellowship and joined the HEI for Fellowship. As per the HEI data provided.HEI to provide letters of awarded national/ international fellowship / Financial support for advanced studies/collaborative research and conference of Dr. Himani Gupta Dr. Nikita Jaiswal Dr. Arvind kumar Dr. Deepika Yadav Dr. Shweta Mumbaraddi Dr. Jyoti Kumbhar Dr. Shweta Mumbaraddi Dr. Himadri Mudgal Dr. Rajni sharma Dr. Milind Deshmukh Dr. Nitin Krishnan R Dr. Neeraj Gupta Dr. Nitin Krishnan R Dr. Milind Deshmukh Dr. Anupam Sharma Dr. Swapnil Auti Dr. Neeraj Gupta Dr. Yagik Mishra Dr. Maninder Singh Sidhu Dr. Anant Krishna Dr Danish Idrees Dr. Neeraj Sharma Dr. Atul Sharma Dr. J. K. Dayashankara Rao highlighting financial support.


AP-1 The HEI to provide captioned Videos and geotagged photographs (captioned and signed by the Dean R&D) of each of the facilities available in the HEI. Mere claiming of facility without sufficient supporting documents cannot be considered as facility available.

AP-2 The HEI to provide a list of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and other research fellows along with the details of the funding agency in the NAAC specified Excel Format.

AP-3 The HEI has attached the same data as for classrooms and labs. The university facility is not routine labs but specific for advanced research common to all. The HEI has not provided any supporting document with the SSR. The HEI to provide captioned Videos and geotagged photographs (captioned and signed by the Dean R&D) of each of the facilities available in the HEI. Mere claiming of facility without sufficient supporting documents cannot be considered as facility available.

AP-4 The HEI website does not support the HEI claim. The HEI to provide details with photographs on its website under Research link. The HEI to provide URL of the above web-page.


AP-1 The HEI to provide E copies of recognition of departments /grant award letters from central / state government agencies and other recognitions by the national and international agencies The HEI to provide captioned Videos and geotagged photographs (captioned and signed by the Dean R&D) of each of the facilities available in the HEI. Mere claiming of facility without sufficient supporting documents cannot be considered as facility available. The HEI to provide a list of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and other research fellows along with the details of the funding agency in the NAAC specified Excel Format.

AP-2 The HEI not to include Grants given by parent trust / sister institutions. This metric refers to the recognition of the departments and not Projects sanctioned to individual researchersThe HEI has attached the same data as for classrooms and labs. The university facility is not routine labs but specific for advanced research common to all. The HEI has not provided any supporting document with the SSR. The HEI to provide captioned Videos and geotagged photographs (captioned and signed by the Dean R&D) of each of the facilities available in the HEI. Mere claiming of facility without sufficient supporting documents cannot be considered as facility available.


AP-1 The HEI to provide supporting documents for release of funds (not sanction) for the claimed amount. Attested copies of the grant award letters for research projects sponsored by government or non-government sources, showing the amount of grant, duration of the grant and the name of the beneficiary to be provided.

AP-2 The HEI to include copy of each of the research grant as per the same order as in the Excel sheet. Grant utilization certificate may also be provided for the completed projects.

AP-3 The HEI may also attach the relevant income highlighted in its annual income/expenditure account sheet for the FY with signatures of the CA and the Registrar. In house grants and consultancy/development projects are not Research Projects.The HEI has attached the same data as for classrooms and labs. The university facility is not routine labs but specific for advanced research common to all. The HEI has not provided any supporting document with the SSR. The HEI to provide captioned Videos and geotagged photographs (captioned and signed by the Dean R&D) of each of the facilities available in the HEI. Mere claiming of facility without sufficient supporting documents cannot be considered as facility available.


AP-1 The HEI to attach a TABULATED list of the granted project titles with details of Competent Authority as per the SOP Investigator, amount Sanctioned and sanctioning agency etc.

AP-2 The awarded amount (as per the letters of release of amount of grant (not sanction) must be for research projects sponsored by government.

AP-3 The sanction letter must show the sanction amount of grant, duration of the grant, the name of the beneficiary and the project title.

AP-4 The summary table must be in the Excel Format (as per NAAC) and the corresponding pdf signed by the Dean (R&D) and the CFO/Registrar.


AP-1 The HEI must attach a List of research projects and funding details as per NAAC Data Template along with a print out signed by the registrar.

AP-2 List of Research Projects and funding details


AP-1 The HEI has not attached any document in support of its claim. The HEI must include E-Copies of award letters issued by the awarding agency institution/teachers/ research scholars/students to be considered here. The HEI must attach a List of research projects and funding details as per NAAC Data Template along with a print out signed by the registrar.

AP-2 The List of research projects and funding details as per NAAC Data Template.


AP-1 HEI to provide e-copy of sanction order of the University for the Start Ups on campus along with the registration letter of the firm and contact details of the promoters.

AP-2 HEI to provide supporting document in favour of start-ups with company registration details, and incubation details mentioning the facilities extended by the institution to the company.


AP-1 The HEI must provide documents to show that it has implemented the Code and ensures Inclusion of the ethic in the research methodology course work.

AP-2 HEI to provide an attested copy of the syllabus of the research methodology course work to prove research ethics has been included.

AP-3 HEI to provide Constitution of the ethics committee and its proceedings approved by the appropriate academic body.

AP-4 The HEI to provide details of the Constitution of research advisory committee and include its proceedings approved by the appropriate body.

AP-5 HEI must furnish attested copy of the Bills of purchase of plagiarism check software in the name of the HEI.

AP-6 The HEI to provide web link on the institutional website which should lead to the specific page where the Code of Ethics for research is hosted.

AP-7 The HEI to include Reports of appropriate committee constituted to conduct plagiarism check of the research content through licensed plagiarism check software. If the link leads only to the home page, the claim will not be considered.


AP-1 The HEI must provide a copy of the policy, signed by the Registrar and the Chairman, on incentives to teachers who receive state, national and international recognition/awards. A copy of the policy signed by the Registrar may be attached.

AP-2 The HEI must provide e- copies of the letters of awards and the E-copy of the proof of incentive that may range from Study leave to monetary and promotion benefits.

3.4.2 Data Template

3.4.2 List of Awards


AP-1 The HEI to provide Patent awarded supported with a letter of award and the unique patent number. which can be cross- verified. Patents awarded / published in the name of faculty working in the University during the assessment period only are eligible to be considered.


AP-1 HEI to provide award of consultancy and receipt of the money of Dr. Dayashankar Rao J K Consultancy Agreement Smile Train India various years, Dr. Anu for all the years, and Dr GL Khanna with Kho Kho Federation of IndiaThe HEI to provide Patent awarded supported with a letter of award and the unique patent number. which can be cross- verified. Patents awarded / published in the name of faculty working in the University during the assessment period only are eligible to be considered.

AP-2 Tabulated list of consultancy in NAAC prescribed format 


AP-1 The HEI to attach reports signed by the coordinator and the Registrar for each of these. Captioned and signed Photographs to be attached mentioning the activity and the date.

AP-2 NSS and NCC activities are not to be included here as these form part of earlier Metric. In this Metric students participating in extension activities with Government Organisations, Non-Government Organisations and programs such as community Health Education, Community health camps, Tele-conferences, Tele-Medicine consultancy etc., are conducted in collaboration with industry, community, Government and non- Governmentetc only are eligible.

AP-3 Copy of circular/ brochure/ report of the initiative/ photos of the initiatives/ news report published must be provided. One student taking part in MORE THAN ONE activity in an AY would count as ONE ONLY. In the absence of reports supported by photographs, the HEI would lose BENEFIT of Doubt in favour of the HEI.

AP-4 The HEI must attach data only in NAAC prescribed format for the Metric as an Excel file. All documents to be signed by the Registrar.


AP-1 HEI to provide lists of students participating in extension activities with Government Organisations, Non-Government Organisations and programs such as community Health Education, Community health camps, Tele-conferences, Tele-Medicine consultancy etc., are conducted in collaboration with industry, community, Government and non- Government etc onlyThe HEI to attach reports signed by the coordinator and the Registrar for each of these. Captioned and signed Photographs to be attached mentioning the activity and the date.

AP-2 Data Template

          AP-3 Activity List for year 2021-22

         AP-4 Activity List for year 2020-21

         AP-5 Activity List for year 2019-20

         AP-6 Activity List for year 2018-19

         AP-7 Activity List for year 2017-18


AP-1 The HEI must provide Copies of collaboration/ related documents signed by the Registrar and a report of the Collaborative activities for research, faculty exchange, student exchange under the agreement. Activities related to Collaborative activities for research, faculty exchange, student exchange only can be considered.

Data Template


AP-1 The HEI has claimed Planned and under planning as activities. Mere numbers do not amount to activity. At least one activity should have been conducted under an MOU to qualify as a functional MOU with institutions. Certificates issued by external agencies to students/Faculty for research/Faculty exchange/ Student exchange/internship cannot be the proof for having collaboration with the external agency. The HEI also to provide activities and gains from these linkages during 2021-22. In case the HEI maintains valid linkages with industry/ institutions of repute, e-copies of these linkages and related documents, indicating the start date and completion date of linkages may be provided.

Links of all MOU’s