Response Documents


AP-1 The HEI to reconcile and Provide annual consolidated audited income/ expenditure statements UNDERLINING (not highlighting) specific expenditure for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary component and also provide a certificate to be duly certified by the CA and counter signed by the Registrar showing the extract for expenditure for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary component.

AP-2 The document in University name with Trust name.


AP-1 The HEI to provide Documents of availability and copy of allotment of the residential facility in the Attached Rural Health Centers available for training of students and Attached Urban Health Centre for training of students. Supporting document to be provided as per the claim of the institution amongst trainees at the above peripheral health centres / hospitals

AP-2 Geotagged photos of residential facilities at Health Center.

AP-3 Document for Intimation letter copy and identity cards of doctors posted to Rural and Urban health center.


AP-1 Accreditation Certificates


AP-1  The HEI must also provide screen shots of the Log-in home page showing the name of the HEI. These shots must be attested by the Registrar The HEI must also provide, on its web site, independent links to these and also the Log-in ID of the HEI (no password).


AP-1 The document in University name with Trust name the HEI has not provided any account statement as proof but only values the HEI has not provide Audited income/expenditure documents 

AP-2 The document in University name with Trust name.


AP-1  The HEI must provide the Supporting documents from the hosting agency for the e- content developed by the teachers.

AP-2  The HEI to specify whether the content has been used / developed by the teachers of the institution. Informal e- content is not eligible and has not been considered. The HEI must provide links to the e-content repository used by the teachers

AP-3  Lecture video on YouTube and their screenshots.


AP-1 The HEI to provide attested copy of the stock register/ attested copies of the invoices, for the LCD’s with their location.

AP-2 The HEI to provide photographs (with geotagging) showing, clearly, the LMS/LCD in each of the Class Room/Seminar halls listed.

AP-3 The HEI to ensure photographs of ALL the classrooms and seminar halls with LCD clearly visible and the Room Number is marked. Each of the photograph to be captioned an marked with the class room number.

AP-4 The HEI to indicate whether fitted with LCD, LAN and wi/fi.

AP-5 The HEI to provide the building or location where the ICT enabled room is located.


AP-1  The latest bills, self-attested, for the leased line connection indicating plan and Band Width to be provided.


AP-1 The HEI has not provided any account statement as proof but only values. The HEI has not provide Audited income/expenditure documents.

AP-2 The HEI to reconcile and Provide annual consolidated audited income/ expenditure statements UNDERLINING (not highlighting) specific expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities (excluding salary component).

AP-3 The HEI to also provide a certificate to be duly certified by the CA and counter signed by the Registrar showing the extract for expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component year-wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs).