Response Documents


AP-1 HEI to provide attested copy of the policy of admissions from the reserved categories. The HEI has treated 100% seats as earmarked for management. The HEI to provide an attested and translated (in English), copy of the original order or attested copy of the Board of management that forms genesis of policy of admissions from the reserved categories

AP-2  HEI to provide summary of the admissions from reserved categories signed by the registrar. The number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt rule are specifically for FRESH admissions and NOT students progressing into senior semesters. 

AP-3 The HEI may provide copy (English translation) of the relevant Govt authority/policy letter specifying the reservation of the seats for category students. The letter attested by the Registrar must be attached. Based on the govt % of seats, the HEI is to work out year wise number of seat reserved (based on the sanctioned seats) and ALSO the number of students (fresh only) admitted against these seats. 

AP-4 Final admission list published by HEI.


AP-1 Data Template

AP-2  Year wise sanctioned seats for fresh admissions signed by the CoE and countersigned by the registrar.

AP-3  Summary of the number of applications received year wise, signed by the registrar.


AP-1 HEI to provide data of the fresh admissions only. The HEI has not mentioned the state/ country of the students claimed to be admitted year wise. 

AP-1 Supporting Documents

AP-2 The HEI to also provide the name of the institute (and state) from which passed the eligibility qualifying exam. 

AP-2 Supporting Documents

AP-3 The HEI to provide copy of the last result (based on which the students has been admitted) of the students admitted in 2021-22 ONLY. Alternatively domicile certificate copy or Adhaar copy attested by the Registrar may be provided.


AP-1 The HEI to provide policy letter with a reference number, date and signatures of the VC specifying the procedure and the protocols followed to measure students’ achievement, as approved in the BoM for assessing the learning levels of the students after admission.

AP-2 The HEI to provide documents in support of its claim that the institute organises special programmes for advanced learners and slow performers.

         a. Scholar Council

         b. Synergy

AP-3 The HEI to provide specific documents in support of its claim identifying the measurable criteria Adopted to identify slow performers and advanced learners.

AP-4 HEI to also provide the Methodology and Criteria adopted by the HEI for the assessment of Learning levels together with details of special programmes, if any.

AP-5 The HEI to include the details of achievement level for the students admitted in 2021-22.


AP-1 The HEI must provide the number of all the students on its rolls as in its data in 2.1 for the AY 2021-22This would be cumulative sum of the students studying in the institute in the year that just completed. The number of Full time teachers in the current year (just completed) in 3.1 is also different. Both these would result in a change of Student to Teacher ratio.

AP-2 The HEI may provide year wise and program wise, self attested number of students.

AP-3 The HEI to provide number of the students and the Full time teachers on roll in the AY 2021-22. These are to be attested by the Registrar.

          AP-4 List of students enrolled in the preceding academic year
          AP-5 List of full time teachers in the preceding academic year in the University (with Designation and Highest Qualification)


AP-1 The HEI to provide details of training programs conducted in Clinical Skills Laboratory and Simulation Based Learning along with details of participants during the period August to Dec 2021.

AP-2 HEI to provide Geotagged Photos of the Clinical Skills Laboratory and Simulation Based Learning.

AP-3 HEI to also provide supporting documents mentioned as according to the choice of the institution among A,B,C,D simulation-based training.

AP-4 HEI to provide attested copies of the syllabus that has structured training element of for use of Clinical Skills Laboratory and Simulation Based Learning.

AP-5 HEI to provide assessment of performace of the students of third year MBBS and BDS in Clinical Skills Lab/ Simulation centre.

AP-6 HEI to provide details of the training programs conducted for the faculty in the use of clinical skills lab and in the simulation methods of teaching- learning Clinical Skills Laboratory


AP-1 The HEI must provide a ecopy of the approved Mentor list as announced (signed by the Registrar).

AP-2 The HEI must also provide allotment order of the mentor to mentees. A copy of the circular pertaining to the details of the mentor and their allotted mentees as announced.

AP-3 Time table of the Mentor-mentee interaction for Even semester of 2021-22 to be provided.


AP-1 HEI to provide letters of appointment or letters of joining of the following faculty.

AP-2 Profs Rajan Rai Madan Mohan Chaturvedi Rajinder Singh Banashree Das Ram Chhavi Sharma Jagbir Singh Malik Pankaj Abrol Ravi Dutt Wadhwa Anil Kumar Sikka Asha Gandhi Arun Kumar Vijay Bhalla Jayati Nath Nimai Chand Chandra Vinod Kumar Ashok Kumar Khurana Pawan Tiwari Prof O P Kalra Navdeep Singh Tung Mohit Deswal and Ashok Kumar


AP-1 The HEI to provide self-attested copies (or duly attested by the Registrar), of the highest degree of the following (///) faculty.

AP-2 The HEI to provide year wise list of the Full time teachers claimed to be eligible under this Metric and who were effective in the AY claimed. Teachers leaving before 01 Oct OR joining after 01 April in an AY not to be counted.

AP-3 The HEI must provide data in Excel format as per NAAC format. The year wise list to be signed by the Registrar, and the arrangement of the attested copies of the PhD degrees must be in the same order. The awardee should have been awarded the degree or notified by the University. Registration, Provisional certificates or thesis submitted are not eligible.

AP-4 The HEI must provide copies of the claimed degrees awarded, duly attested by the Registrar. The year wise list to be signed by the Registrar, and the arrangement of the attested copies of the PhD degrees must be in the same order.


AP-1 HEI to provide certificate of experience on joinng the HEI of the following

AP-2 Madan Mohan Chaturvedi, Ravi Dutt Wadhwa, Rajan Rai, Jagbir Singh Malik, Rajinder Singh, Nimai Chand Chandra, Mohit Deswal, Navdeep Singh Tung, Banashree Das, Ram Chhavi Sharma, Vinod Kumar, O P Kalra, Asha Gandhi, Ramesh Chander Kuhad, Jayati Nath, Nitya Nand, Ashok Kumar, Anil Kumar Sikka, Mohammad Sami, Arun Kumar, Pankaj Abrol, Ashok Kumar Khurana, Savita Saini, Sharif Ahmad, Vijay Bhalla, Hrudananda Mallick, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Sumer Singh Yadav, Rajeev Sen, Sansar Chand Sharma, Vikas Kakkar, Vijay Deepak Verma, Rajiv Rastogi, Krishna Bihari Gupta, Mohammed Ejaz Hussain, Gul Motwani, (Brigadier) Chander Mohan, Naresh Kumar Chandel, Ajay Kumar, Naresh Chander Arora, Baljit Singh, Rakesh N Tandon, Anita Sharma, Prafulla Kumar Sharma


AP-1 The HEI to provide details of the year wise training programmes conducted for preparing e-contents / e-courses / video lectures / demonstrations. The delivery of e-contents / e-courses / video lectures / demonstrations requires formal training by an accredited organization specializing in delivery of e-contents / e-courses / video lectures demonstration etc.

AP-2 HEI to provide video of the training provided on Use of Advanced Features of Campus ERP in Academics,

AP-3 HEI to provide photographs and attendance of the activity conducted in 2020-21 and 21-22.


AP-1 The HEI to provide attested Copy signed by the Registrar of each of the award declared eligible.

AP-2 The HEI to provide attested English translation of the award along with details of the organization awarding it. The attached data does not provide information on the awards from state /national /international level from Government recognized bodies. Award that are local in nature are not eligible and including these to be avoided. One Full-time teacher to be counted once in a year irrespective of number of awards or recognition in the same year.


AP-1 HEI to provide Reports from the Controller of Exam (COE) office mentioning the last date of exam, date the result was declared and the Number of days from the date of last semester-end/ year- end examination till the declaration of results yearwise during the last five years, signed by the Registrar must be attached.


AP-1 The HEI must provide copy of the Re-evaluation register containing the list of the students who applied for reevaluation and the result of reevaluation.

AP-2 Reports from the Controller of Exam (COE) office mentioning the Number of complaints/grievances about evaluation year-wise during the last five years, signed by the Registrar must be attached.

AP-3 The HEI to include Minutes of the grievance cell / relevant body of the examination cell along with the authority letter of constitution of the cell. The Cell reports must indicate number of complaints and the relief provided.


AP-1 The HEI must provide copy of the Re-evaluation register containing the list of the students who applied for reevaluation and the result of reevaluation.

AP-2  Reports from the Controller of Exam (COE) office mentioning the Number of complaints/grievances about evaluation year-wise during the last five years, signed by the Registrar must be attached.

AP-3  Grivance Redressal Mechanism Followed by the HEI.


AP-1 The HEI to provide report on the present status of automation of examination division including screenshots of various modules of the software duly authenticated and signed by the Registrar.

AP-2 The HEI to provide Copies of the purchase order and bills/AMC of the software. The Bills/AMC Software etc should be in the name of the HEI. Bills/AMC/in the name of the Trust/Society shall not to be considered If the EMS is outsourced, copy of the relevant contract and copies of bills of payment to be provided.

AP-3 The HEI to provide screenshots duly captioned and signed by the CoE. The screenshot should reflect the HEI name and the name of the module.


AP-1 The HEI to provide YEAR WISE data of Total number of final year students who appeared for the examination AND Total number of final year students who passed the examination for the period 2017-22.

          AP-1 Supporting Documents